1. This Environmental and Social Systems Assessment (ESSA) has been prepared by the World Bank for the proposed Punjab Cities Program (PCP). It includes the following information: (a) a summary of environmental and social risks and benefits associated with proposed activities required to achieve the Program Development Objective (PDO) and the Disbursement-linked Indicators (DLIs) for each Results Area, (b) an assessment of the borrower’s environmental and social management systems which apply to these activities and their risks and benefits, (c) an evaluation of the borrower’s performance and track record in implementing its environmental and social management systems, (d) an assessment of the extent to which the borrower’s environmental and social management systems are consistent with the World Bank’s core environmental and social principles spelled out in the World Bank policy and associated guidance materials, and (e) a set of recommendations and actions which the borrower has agreed to undertake to improve the implementation of applicable systems.
2. This report was prepared by World Bank staff and consultants through a combination of reviews of existing Program materials and available technical literature, interviews with government staff, and consultations with key stakeholders and experts. Findings of the assessment will be used in the formulation of an overall Program Action Plan (PAP) with key measures to improve environmental and social management outcomes of the Program. The findings, conclusions, and opinions expressed in the ESSA document are those of the World Bank. Recommendations contained in the analysis have been discussed and agreed with the government of Pakistan and Punjab counterpart.